German Pascual's was born in Uruguay, South America but was raised in Brazil and then moved to Stockholm, Sweden in his early teens and is still there today. Ge...
December 2014 ontstaat Pure Harvest, bestaande uit de broers Tim, Remco, Donny van der Velden en Weiko Drent met de omgeving Groningen/Drachten als thuisbasis.
Dutch EPIC EXTREME METAL band SLECHTVALK started out as a one-man project in 1999 by founder Shamgar. The debut album 'Falconry' was released in 2000 by FEAR DA...
S91 is a italian band that plays progressive metal with modern shades, psichedelic atmospheres and complex time signature. “Behold The Mankind” is a masterpiece...
Nobody would expect a band called ‘Boarders’ to be a heavy metal outfit.
With their unconventional name, Boarders, hailing from Milan, Italy, now present the...
Inside Mankind is a band that comes from Tuscany, Italy and they were formed back in 2006. They released a demo back in 2009 under the title “Angels Fire” and r...
Het grootste christelijke rockfestival van Nederland zal na een jaar in Enschede te zijn geweest voor de komende editie naar Zwolle verhuizen. Reden voor deze v...
Deliverance will be taking the stage at Rock Alive festival in the Netherlands, scheduled for 23 September, 2017. The veteran thrash metal group was founded in ...
Antidemon started in January 1994 in the city of São Paulo in Brazil. The band's style was developed along the years and fans define it as a mixture of Death Me...